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feral cat with ticks

18 15:17:07

I have been feeding a feral cat on my porch for about 5 years. Lately he does not look good. No sign of illness just listless and seems confused and thin. I can see several wood ticks on him but I cannot touch him at all. He had been aggressive in the past. Any suggestions?

Susan  -

First of all, I would like to say thank you on behalf of the feral kitty that you are feeding. I am sure that he would thank you if he could.  Feral cats are great - they are just wild,  afraid of people and want to be left alone.  That said, trap him and have him evaluated by a veterinarian.    There he can be properly examined (make your vet aware beforehand that he is feral).  I know it is easier to try to put medicine in his food without first diagnosing the problem, but it is best for him if you take him to be seen by a vet.

If you do not have a proper act trap designed for trapping ferals, call the local Humane Society to find out if they will loan you a a trap or can lead you to  someone that can help you.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM