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mixture of sinus,upper respritory

18 15:17:06

We have had the dog a year and its a dauschaound,male aprox five years old.When i got him from the human society,he became ill with pneumonia and the human society kept him a week treating him for the illness i misspelled above. Since then he has been treated on numerous   antibiotics but he is still suffering with chronic sneezing with clear and sometimes very yellow thick discharge He has been checked and treated for fungus bacterial but things are still not better.HELP Baby BOOboo

Kelly -

Continue to work with your veterinarian in search of a treatment for your dog.  Have you had his teeth checked?  Bad teeth  may not be the reason for the pneumonia, but they could account for the sneezing and thick discharge. Ask your vet to check his oral cavity to determine if his teeth are healthy.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Where'll, DVM