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Problem going potty

18 14:50:06

Hi...I have a 9 mo old Husky/Queensland male. He has gone outside twice today and yipes..I caught him the 2nd time, he was trying to go poop. He was not successful and yiped while he was trying. Yesterday he seemed to not be feeling good, threw up, a little lethargic. Seemed much better today, now just can't go potty. He ate breakfast just fine and is drinking water...maybe not as much as usual. He is usually very active and chases my other dog and my cat. Help!! Is there something I can give him to help?

The question is more of what did he eat to cause this? What kind of diet is he on?
You can give him some canned pumpkin which adds fiber and helps them to move their bowels.

If he continues to have problems you need to have the vet look him over and evaluate his diet. Sometimes when they actually have diarrhea it looks as if they are constipated. They get the need to strain but they really have nothing in there to push out.

Is he current on all of his vaccinations? Parvo is very contagious and starts with vomiting, lethargy and diarrhea.
You need to really watch him if his vaccinations are not current. If they aren't, get him vaccinated.