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canine cyst/tumor

18 15:16:59

my vet discovered a cyst/tumor between the anus and the urethral area on my 12 yr old miniature poodle last February. While grooming her a couple days ago, I observed that the cyst/tumor had more than tripled in size. Because of the location and size, the urethral area is now in a "pocket". She has difficulty defecating; has lost several teeth, mild/mod cataracts in both eyes; constantly gags as if she had a hair-ball; gets winded quickly when playing.
We have talked with our vet in regards to her growth and such. He explained that the surgery for this type of growth is complicated and has potential negative outcome for fecal and urinary function. He also mentioned that surgery itself is hard on a dog this age, but possible.
Based on this information - what is your chair-side opinion?

Veronica -

There are several things to consider when thinking about surgery on an older dog. The overall health of the dog is a major consideration - presurgical bloodwork and chest radiographs should  be done to help determine the health status of your pet.  

Your vet is indeed correct when he says that surgery of the perianal area can have several complications such as fecal and urinary incontinence.  He may want to consider a board certified surgeon that can help decide if she is healthy enough to withstand such as surgery.
In light of the symptoms you mentioned - getting winded e=when playing, gagging often - it sounds like she may need additional diagnostics to measue her health status.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM