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cats constant meowing

18 15:46:02

My 1 year old cat keeps us up a good portion of the night meowing.  Not nice little mews - loud MEOWS.  We don't think he is lacking for company (we also have his biological brother - who is normal - keeps quiet at night).  We think he may be upset because we won't let him outside.  We've tried squirting him with water.  It doesn't faze him.   It's predominantly at night - once we've settled in with lights out.  Lights on doesn't matter either.Any suggestions to curb the nocturnal meowing?  

Cats are nocturnal and tend to be most active at night by nature.  I would recommend adding Rescue Remedy to his water dish and getting Feliway (Comfort Zone) Diffusers to help ease the anxiety.  If he is not neutered, having him neutered will help reduce the urge to roam outside.