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muscle spasms

18 15:46:01

Our cat, Tigger is a very healthy, and spoiled cat.  Last night, my husband and I were panicked when we were playing with Tigger and all of a sudden, he had trouble walking on his leg.  He then laid on the floor and began crying, screaming as if we were giving him a bath.  We were terrified.  It only lasted for about 10 seconds, and afterwards, he got up and wanted to play again in about 15 minutes.  We checked out his legs and the rest of his body, looking for him to give us a sign of pain.  Nothing!  He got up, walked with no trouble at all and went about his business, even going so far as to "ask us" to pick him up and pet him.  He's been fine today.  Can cats get leg spasms or charlie horses like us?  He's about 8 years old.  He shows no signs of any pain or sickness.  He is an indoor cat only...never been outside.  What do we do?

I would recommend a trip to the vet for an exam and blood tests.  Cats do not tend to get muscle spasms and this may have been a seizure.  Doing blood tests is important to rule out any underlying metabolic problems such as kidney or liver disease, low blood sugar, abnormal electrolytes, low calcium, etc that may have led to the problem.