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Concerned about stray kittens health

18 14:50:10

Three weeks ago we found an injured stray kitten approx. 6 weeks old. We took it to the shelter and entered a program to nurse the kitten at home and then decide if we wished to keep it or bring it back to the shelter. The kitten's injuries were due to possible cat bites to 3 paws. The shelter vet examined the kitten, it's temp was normal, gave it Strongid and a shot of a very basic vaccination (FVRCP) and sent us home with antibiotics to be give 7 days. I asked the vet about the kitten's distended belly and small sore on the rectum and she said it the belly was due to worms and the sore was probably due adjustment of weaning to solid food. We took the kitten home and the injuries have healed nicely after two plus weeks.

In all respects, the kitten appears happy, healthy, more playful and energetic every day. However, after two weeks, she still had somewhat of a big belly. I called the shelter and after not hearing back from them took her to the vet for some testing as the kitten also seemed thirsty, licks her lips frequently, has some gas and I was concerned about worms. The vet examined the kitten, took temperature, etc, said all appeared normal except for the distended belly. They applied topical Profender to take care of tapeworm and roundworms. We recently had a cat die from CRF so I asked for a blood test for renal function and the results were normal. It has been a week since the Profender was applied. I have seen the irritated area on the rectum come and go and appeared again yesterday. The kitten still has a bit of a belly. The belly doesn't seem to be getting bigger though it seems distended a little more on her right side than her left. It doesn't feel hard and she seems to be defecating and urinating normally though she still has some gas. We feed her Purina kitten chow and this past week added some canned cat food to her diet. She appears to be growing normally and has a very healthy appetite. The last vet was not concerned about that and said she could be drinking or eating a little more than usual due to her situation with having almost starved when fending for herself. She doesn't appear sick in the least.

We now need to decide if we are to keep her but I'm concerned about the belly and reappearing irritation on her rectum. Are these symptoms normal in an otherwise healthy, energetic, kitten? Perhaps it's just pre adoption jitters but we want a healthy kitten this time around as we've barely recovered from her death and the previous vet bills. I called the vet's office and they said it could take a week or two for a belly to go down after de-worming but I'm still a little concerned. Any advice would be most appreciated!

HI Hope,
your kitten has a distended belly from the roundworms AND from the Purina Kitten Chow. Kitten chow has cow's milk in it or on it and all cats are lactose intolerant after they are weaned. It this will cause gas and diarrhea. I am amazed she doesn't have diarrhea all the time.

You need to get her onto a high quality diet like Science Diet Kitten Growth. She is eating a lot because she has to eat a lot of volume for her body to get the nutrition it needs from Purina. It's like trying to get steak protein out of a box of saltine crackers- it's not going to happen and especially with Kitten Chow. Science Diet has optimal nutrition for this growing baby and if you want to grow a healthy cat go get a 8.5 ln bag, slowly mix it into her current food over seven days then watch as she changes and grows stronger and healthier every day. After about two-three weeks on this food her appetite will lessen as she get the nutrition she needs. She won't need as much to meet her energy needs and you will save money as a result.

She also needs another dose of roundworm medicine ten days after the initial dose to catch any stragglers. The sore on her rectum could be from her little anal gland. I would have the doctor take another look at it. I know it's tiny but we have seen kittens and cats get pieces of foxtails, kitty litter and even worms into them. So have them look really closely at it. Having a sore on her rectum is not normal but certainly having either something in it or some low grade diarrhea from the worms or the milk in the food could be causing it.

Once you get her off of the Purina the sore might just resolve on its own. Her immune system will be much healthier too IF you get her on Science Diet. I have 5 certificates in Small Animal Nutrition and have studied many other diets out there and by far I have found Science Diet to be the best. I have fed and recommended it for over 29 yrs and have never had one person tell me their pets did badly on it or didn't like it.

So that is my opinion Hope. I think once you switch you will see some changes after three weeks. It takes that long for the new food to really kick into the system and start showing up on the outside.

Get her some more roundworm medicine and have the vet look more closely at her rectum/anal glands.
Please let me know how she does.