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I just adopted a 4 1/2...

18 15:55:08

   I just adopted a 4 1/2 month old kitten.I have a 9 yr.old cat.I have never adopted a cat under 1 yr.old.My daughter is 10 she is having breathing problems.Is there a significant difference between a kittens dander and a year or older cat? What can I do to help this if so?

Hi Melinda! Congrats on your new "furbaby"! There shouldn't be any difference between your kitten and adult cat that would cause allergy problems, unless the kitten is long haired.
Since this kitten was adopted, I am assuming you had adopted him from a shelter.  Often times, cats who come from shelters are kept with other cats at times, and it is possible that this kitten not only has his dander on him, but other cats' dander on him as well.  It also is possible that this kitten had been kept in an area that has not been as clean as to be expected.  Giving the kitten a bath with a cat shampoo should help alot.  If you feel uncomfortable doing this, there are wipes you can purchase at your local pet store that are used for this purpose, or even simply wiping the kitten down with a damp wash cloth would help a bit too.
I hope this helps and I hope that your daughter feels better!