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cat swolen upper lip

18 14:08:29

Janna...I have a cat with a swlen upper is white and the one on internet...."swollen upperupper lip on cats"..if you copy paste that then count from left to right 1-7..its that cat..number 7.
and its the texture of a raw mushroom...know as soon as you can...I have had over 300 cats in 20 years in my shelter but this is new....I am in Monterrey mexico ..and i can send you a photo tomorrow if you would like...thanks for any suggestions...

Nikki Kollman

Hard to say what this could be without being there. You should probably take her to a veterinarian down there because that is the only way to diagnose something like this.

It could be a bug bite, rodent ulcer, abscess from her own tooth even (we've seen them).

So the only way to know for sure is to have a vet look at it.

Sorry I can't be of more help...