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dog was bitten by something

18 15:05:26

Our 32 lb terrier got loose one night and we heard an awful scream, and he finally came home with his neck really wet (like saliva all over it) and one large puncture wound in his neck/chest. Just one hole that we could see. We took him to he vet, got it cleaned out and had rabies booster shots, etc. Do you have any idea what might have bitten him like that? We live in the Adirondack Mountains...

No, I don't. I live in California. I have no way of knowing what you have in the area you live in.
Could have been anything from a dog to a coyote trying to eat him. Maybe he was just a bit too big to carry off so he was lucky.

Most dogs get into fights with other dogs and that's what bites them.
Wild animals usually kill dogs, not just bite them.