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UTI in dogs

18 15:55:20

I have a seven year old Toy Fox Terrier. About four months ago she had a urinary tract infection. I took her to the vet and she was put on antibiotics and it went away. The past few days I have noticed the symptoms have returned. I really can not afford to take her to the vet. Do you know of anything that can be done at home to help treat the infection? I read on the PETA web site that dogs can be given cranberry pills. Have you ever heard of this, would it be harmful? Any advice would be helpful, thank you  

well, you really should see a vet.  Especially if this is reoccuring.

pets normally dont just get a UTI. its usually something underlying it like bladder stones, crystals or bacteria.

i know cranberries are non harmful, but you should still have it checked out. :)