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suspected ear mites

18 15:10:15

This past summer my almost 2 year old lab mix had a bad flea infestation. She stays in the house except to use the restroom and I live in a small, one bedroom home so the fleas were everywhere. I treated her as the vet recommended for 6 weeks alternating advantix every 2 weeks and capstar every week and also treating the yard and the carpets/furniture every week. She shed a lot of hair and continues to have multiple bald spots. The reason I am including this information is because her wounds have not healed completely and I completed the 6 week treatment almost 3 weeks ago. Today I noticed that her left ear is bright red, with some larger bumps (may be leftover from fleas) and also some brownish, scabby looking buildup all the way down to the ear canal. That is why I think this is ear mites, but I just wanted to ask in case it's something more serious (maybe to do with the flea problem) and need to see a vet. I am planning on purchasing over the counter products for treatment... any suggestions? Let it be noted that her right here does not seem to show any sign of ear mites and only contains a couple of larger bumps which I'm assuming are related to the fleas.

She is currently taking monthly Frontline Plus and Interceptor. Thanks so much for your help!!

Fleas and flea allergy rarely affect the ear.  Ear mites are rare to find in an animal that is isolated from other animals.  I would tend to think more of an allergic skin disease causing an ear problem.

YOu should let your vet do an exam of the ear and prescribe the proper medication to treat the ear.