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14 yr old cat groans frequently

18 14:06:53

Our 14 year old "tortie" groans quite frequently.  Is this a cry of pain?

Probably so. Animals rarely groan unless it's when they lie down- and this is usually with dogs- and they will groan if they are older or are contented.

Not usually the case with cats. The only time my cats grown is when they are feeling some pain.
Most 14 yr old cats are going to be feeling some pain from arthritis. Not all get it, but it's not uncommon at all.

Your kitty needs to see a vet so they can determine what is causing the groaning. Groaning is a symptom. The cause needs to be investigated by your vet.

Remember, never give a cat ANY kind of pain medication unless your vet has prescribed it! Otherwise, it could be fatal!!