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pregnant cat with URI

18 15:17:18

My cat is due any day now, and she has had a URI for the past two months, is this going to affect her kittens? Should i start them on antibiotics when they are born? I don't want them to die, and my other female had a URI when she was pregnant, and she lost all but one kitten, so i gave that one kitten antibiotics, and it did great, it was very healthy, and lived. I took both my girls to a vet and they said i had to wait it out, my other female is better now, but this pregnant girl is sneezing and very stuffed up still. any advice? I know i need to go to a different vet but i am low income right now, and until next month i am stuck.

Jeana, sorry I don't know what to say.  I would have suggested a vet visit.  You say you don't have any money.  Can you call the vet and ask if they would take payments.  Tell the vet how sick your mamma is.  Also, talk to them about the kittens and the possible condition.

You could send this question over to the breeding and whelping experts. They may have some ideas for you.

thanks and good luck

Marie Peppers