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shih-tzu immobility

18 15:40:45

i have a 13 year old shih-tzu who is loosing the ability to walk.  her back legs have been giving out the last 5 weeks.  i have taken her to the vet and they are trying different things.  they are doing blood work...her liver enzymes are high.

one minute she is walking and the next she has her butt curled under and her legs straight out in front of her and she can't move. she will use her front paws to try to move around.  if i lift her up and try to stand her up, she can't.  15-30 minutes later, she may be fine.  she doesn't appear to be in any pain.  

it is becomming more frequent.  she did get into some AMDRO- ant killer- that we had put on a plant.  there wasn't alot and she didn't show any signs of sickness, vomiting, diahhera, so i don't think that would anything to do with this.



When you took her to the vet, has she been x-rayed?

It seems to me like she may have some problem in the spinal column, like spondylosis deformans (degenerative, noninflammatory condition of the vertebral colunm characterised by the production of osteophytes along the ventral, lateral, and dorsolateral aspects of the vertebral endplates)  or lumbosacral stenosis ( in other words narrowing of the vertebral canal with compression to nerve roots), discospondylitis, etc.

If regular x-ray does not show something exactly, a myelography (x-ray with contrast substance) may help.

Her liver enzymes may be high due to the ant killer, but since she is old the enzymes may have been high even before that.

Kind Regards,
Caglar Kondu Erkip