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Sick Dog =(

18 14:50:53

I woke up this morning to my 11 year old springer/lab mix throwing up. There wasn't a lot of substance to it. It was mostly clear mucus with a few specks of blood (about 1/8 of cup). 30 minutes after this episdoe, it was time to have her breakfast, which she passed up; this is not like her at all. She ended up drinking a lot of water. Almost immediately she wanted to go outside and had very loose diarrhea. Once we got back inside, she vomited again. It was the same substance as before, a clear mucus, but more in volume (about 1/3 cup) and no specks of blood. She is staying quiet, but still her sweet self.

A bit of some background info. Deshka (my dog) has not been to a vet for a check up in about 2 years. I had a friend in animal rescue that told me that because she was so old and an indoor dog (she only goes outside to do her business and wants to come back inside immediately, and maybe a few walks a month). She only comes in contact with my parents' dogs. They are all vaccinated. I have recently brought a Great Dane puppy into our home. He is up to date on all his vaccines as well. And at the moment I'm puppy sitting a friend's 8 month miniature Schnauzer. I do not know her vaccine record. But Deshka hasn't been around her at all, she doesn't seem to like the Schnauzer. So that is the vaccine history.
We did have another incident about 10 days ago. Deshka pulled a glass baking dishes with brownies in it onto the floor. The glass shattered everywhere. Deshka ate every bit of the brownies and possibly sucked chocolate of shards of glass. I wasn't too worried about the chocolate, because she has eaten in the past and I've been told as long as it isn't bakers chocolate or dark chocolate, she'd be fine. I was more worried that she may have consumed glass. I haven't had any problems with her until today.
Should I take her to a vet or monitor her for a few days/hours? Also, will a vet refuse to care for her because I have not stayed up on her vaccines?
Thank you.

the vet will not refuse your business because of her lack of vaccines. But what worries me is with parvo going around she could have picked this up from one of these dogs.
She doesn't have to travel to get it - it is carried on many things.

You should take her in because of the vomiting. An 11 yr old dog is not that old- mine is 11!
They can get dehydrated quickly however and that is a major concern.

10 days is too long for the brownies/glass to be an issue. These problems will show in about 24/48 hours.

Don't feed her and only leave ice cubes in her water bowl but call the vet and get her in for an appointment today if you can.