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please help me with my cat

18 14:33:02

my cat sleeps all the time, she does eat and drink and pee and poop, but she sounds really conjested and today her eye is all swollen and watering, and she keeps it closed. the inside of her mouth toward the throat is all black. I live on disability and have no money for a vet. what could be wrong. she is 11 years old and never been sick a day in her life. she does a lot of sneezing.sounds stopped up

I understand living on disability Mary, I also live on it. However, I make sure that my pets have adequate medical care when they need it.

I am not a vet but it sounds like your cat has a respiratory infection. She does need to see a vet for some antibiotics so that she doesn't get pneumonia.

When was the last time she was vaccinated? Regular vaccinations help to keep our pets healthy so they are very cost effective. My cats never get these infections which saves me money in the long run because I spend the money for preventative care.

The black in her mouth might be her normal pigmentation if she is a tortoiseshell cat or a calico. My calico had a mouth with black in it.

The congestion, sneezing and closed eye all point toward a virus, possible Rhinotracheitis. It is very contagious to other cats and easily caught by cats that are not protected.
If left untreated it can become very serious and often is fatal for that reason.

So please see about getting her in to a vet very soon. Most vets understand that with the economy the way it is, people need ways to help pay. There are things such as CareCredit which is just for pet care. Pet insurance is another way to save some money when problems come up like this.

I hope that you can find a way to get her to the vets soon. Please let me know how she does.