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Cat toliet behaviour

18 15:57:31

We have 3 cats and our youngest is a pedigree burmese who is 7 months old now.  We have to keep the bedroom doors shut and the laundry cupboard shut as otherwise she goes to the toilet on our clothes to be laundered and on on duvet!  We thought this was a phase which may stop after she was spayed but the habit has continued.  If we leave a door open by mistake it only takes her a few seconds to realise and jump in there!  Is there anything we can do?  She gets on well with the other cats and we love her to bits so what is the problem?

Hi Olga.  The number one reason a cat will urinate outside the litterbox is because of a Urinary Tract Infection. Has she been checked for that?  If not, I would highly recommend a vet visit, as antibiotics will cure the problem.
If she has already been cleared of a urinary tract infection, this is probably some sort of behavioral problem.  Adding more litterboxes to your home and cleaning them out often will probably help.  The "rule" is one litterbox to every cat, plus one extra. Alot of cats are finicky when it comes to their litter and they won't want to eliminate in a place where their are other cats' scents.  My aunts cat, a pedigree Siamese, is an only cat, and won't go in the litterbox if he has eliminated in there once or twice.  She finds the clumping litter easiest, as she just scoops it out twice a day, and this has solved the problem.
Best of luck and let me know how she does!  Burmese are such beautiful cats! Give her tons of kisses for me!