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swelling in the upper leg

18 15:04:29


My dog Lilly has a swelling in her upper front leg. the vet gave us antibiotics and anitswelling meds. but they dont seem to be working. at first they whould it was cellulosis and they put a small cut in her leg to let it drain and did a biopsy on it.

they said the test returned nothing and said they didn't really have a clue what it was so I thought I would ask here.

the swelling started at the upper joint, it has just started moving down her leg, she cant and some times can feel in the leg. she wont put weight on the leg, and she has ran a fervor a few times now, but she still seems perky and dose not seem to be in pain.

anything you could think of would be a huge help, we plan on taking her to a new vet but we yould like to get some some possable ideas asap.

Hi Brent,
I am not a vet so you might want to repost this to one of the vets in here. I only give advice and the only advice I would give you is to see another vet which you stated you will be doing. That is probably a wise move.
I hope you can find the answer to this problem. Sometimes it's as simple as them having a foreign body like a sticker or a stick way up inside the leg. You have to be part detective to be a vet- so make sure your new vet is!

Please let me know what it is when you find out.