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Dog barkiing

18 15:57:07

I have two hairless chihuahua's that will be 2 years old in september.  They require a lot of specail care.  I cannot socialize them enough to keep them from CONTINUALLY barking when anyone comes to the house.  I have tried some bach flowers herbs and spraying them in the face with water.  My husband has had it with them.  Herbal remedies are expensive to try until you find one
that works.  Sugery is out of the question.  Dog collars are too large for the 3 pound one.  Do you have anymore suggestions.  I am desperate.

Margaret Gowan

Hi Margaret!

I've never heard of a "hairless Chihuahua". How interesting!

In your message you said that your dogs barks continually when anyone comes to your home. I will assume that your dogs are pretty quiet the rest of the time. If I am wrong in my assumption, please respond to me, so I can offer some tips which would be more in line with your situation.

There is an expression amongst dog behaviorists: "A quiet dog is a tired dog". When possible, if you are expecting house guests, try taking the dogs for a really long walk or run before you company is expected.

Begin your new "stop barking" training by praising the dogs when they're not barking. It seems silly, but it works. Whenever your dogs are just lying around being quiet, say, "Good Dog!"

Each time your dogs bark, after just two or three woofs, praise them for sounding the alarm. Then tell them, "Stop Barking." Simultaneously to when you give the command waggle an especially tasty food treat in front of their noses. Most dogs instantly stop barking because they can't sniff and lick the treat while barking. During this quiet time praise them continuously - - "Good dog, stop barking, what a good quiet dog you are, good dog" . . ." After 3 seconds of no barking, let them have the treat. The next time they bark, require them to stop barking for 5 seconds before the get the treat. Each time they are told to stop barking and succeeds, they will be rewarded.
If they bark even one tiny little woof after you've given the command, scold them immediately. Timing is everything. As training proceeds, the required period of silence is increased gradually; at first "Stop Barking" means: No barking for the next 3 seconds, then 5 seconds, then 10 seconds and so on.

Within a single training session, you can teach your dog to stop barking for up to 1 or 2 minutes. This is major progress, because whatever set off the barking in the first place is history, and they are likely to be quiet until the next disturbance.

You should repeat this little training session several times a day. If you are persistent and consistent in your training sessions, I think you will see some success. It is important that everyone in your household offer the dogs the same corrections and praise when the dogs listen to the commands.

The following web pages has several tips to help stop a persistent barker. You need to work with your dogs and practice the "corrections" discussed at the web pages, and not simply shout at the dog to be quiet.

Some weekend, invite a friend over to help you by ringing the doorbell (or whatever sets off your dog). Take the entire afternoon to repeatedly answer the doorbell and offer the corrections to your dog.
Again, consistency is the most important part of dog training. If you put in the time and are firm and consistent, your dogs will learn to settle down and be quiet. Go to:

Your dogs excessive barking has already become a habit, don't expect the barking to get under control overnight. It takes weeks of repetition to replace an old habit with a new one. If you keep up with these procedures, you will see a new pattern of barking develop. Instead of barking relentlessly at the insignificant, your dog will be barking appropriately and for a reasonable length of time.

It is important that you maintain this new good habit through practice and praise or your dog may revive his old annoying barking habits again.

Depending on your budget, there are a couple of products which claim to stop dogs from barking. This "Bark Free Dog Training Device" is said to be good for multiple dog households. It is sound activated and does not give a shock, rather it emits an sound that the dogs will find unpleasant. Go to:

You might also consider enrolling in a dog obedience class. You will learn how to control the dogs on a fairly one on one level with an experienced trainer.

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give those Chihuahuas millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!