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Vaccination questions for at home

18 14:39:11


We have 8 cats in our home, all are fixed and indoor-only, aside from Lucivar. (He is indoor-outdoor). We have vaccinated all of our cats at home, at the appropriate ages, and take Lucivar in every 2 years for a rabies.

A year ago, we adopted in our 8th kitten, named Punk. We were getting ready to vaccinate him when my grandmother expressed interest in him, so we held off so their vet could do the vaccines. My grandmother had an allergic reaction to him, and sent him back to us. At this point, he was about 8 months old.

I didn't even think of the vaccination thing until we took in a 3-day-old foster, and was looking at getting the vaccines ready again. Punk never had them. So, my question is:

Do I follow the same vaccine schedule for the younger kittens, or so I do differently for a 13-month-old cat?

He's healthy, fixed, indoor-only, and aside from a minor digestive issue when he was young, very healthy. I would greatly appreciate any advice and direction.


I really want to commend you for vaccinating all of these cats yearly. I hope that they have all been tested as well for leukemia, especially Lucivar and Punk. A three day old kitten is a bit young to test, but when it gets older it should also be tested.

You would vaccinate Punk just as you would any adult cat, since that is what he is. But because he never was vaccinated, he needs to be tested. The fact that Lucivar is vaccinated is great,but he can still carry leukemia into the house and Punk would be unprotected against it.

So get Punk tested then vaccinate him with a 4 way or whatever you are using. Please be aware that feed stores, and pet stores do NOT take proper care with their vaccines unless they have a vet tech working there.
I have seen way too many vaccine failures from store/feed store/pet store bought vaccines. I have seen too many vials of vaccines get warm and then re-refrigerated and passed off as okay, which they are not.

I worked in a pet store selling Hills foods and saw this myself. The feed store that I used did the same thing with theirs. My own cat got leukemia and was vaccinated with these yearly when I was younger and didn't know this was the case. So please just be careful is the moral here.

I hope this answered the question. Please let me know if you have any more.