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18 15:13:49

my soon to be adopted 28lb spaniel was found to be significantly bradycardic(48-54BPM).she was heartworm positive, and since beginnning treatment a week ago, HR is now 90. It looks like EKG and echo were not done at the shelter. Should we wait for the worm treatment to end and see if HR remains normal, or should I urge them to check EKG, echo and basic labs right now prior to completing worm treatment?  Also, if i do need a consult, should i insist on a cardioligst or can a gen vet handle this?

Jon -

I think you should wait until you adopt the pet before you begin to have other diagnostics done.  EKG and echo are not routinely performed at shelters due to the cost. Progressive shelters are beginning to perform heartworm treatments, but the average shelter will not treat heartworm disease.  To request additional diagnostics is a bit presumptuous; the shelter veterinarian can most likely provide you with the name of a veterinary cardiologist.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM