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My dog Teylas leg

18 15:05:16

I have a one year old female Husky named Teyla, Friday while playing fetch
She yelped after retrieving the ball, I checked her out and she seemed fine so
I thought nothing of it. Later that night she was coming up the stairs and
began yelping again and was holding her left front leg in a strange manor,
after I got her inside I checked all of her feet and then checked the motion of
all of her legs and checked to see if she would respond in pain by touching all areas of her legs, she seemed to be fine.  Saturday morning she woke me up
by yelping. She would limp and yelp when walking but after a little bit  she
seemed to be fine again ( running jumping ect... with out pain)  She still
seems to every once and a while especially after staying still for long periods
of time  to limp a few steps and yelp and then will be fine again, but other
than that she is her same old self ( playing and jumping with out pain).  I
checked with my Vet and they said to keep her calm and inactive. Do you have
any Idea what could be wrong?  I was thinking that maybe she might of
pulled something.  

I am thinking you are correct Katie. She must have pulled a muscle which is very common in fetching games. It is most likely her shoulder actually rather than a paw but she could have twisted her joint where the paw and leg meet.

You must keep her quiet. You can give her some coated aspirin like buffered Bayer to help with the pain and inflammation but do NOT give her any Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

If she isn't better in a few days you need to have the vet look it over.