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might be pregnat siamese

18 14:37:33

Hi, i studded out my male Siamese when their female was in heat, they called me saying that both cats hated each other and were kept in one room of their house, when they returned my male they had the female with them in the same carrier, saying they no longer wanted her, i took her in and now I'm not sure if she is expecting or not... i compared her nipples to my Persian and they seem to be a little bigger and a light peach colour... i didn't write down the date that he was there as i didn't think i needed to.. any help would be greatly appreciated.. thank you

The gestation of a cat is 63 days. If she has been with you for over a month then you can have the vet feel her and tell if she is pregnant. He can also do an xray at 31 days to see how many kittens are in there.

That will be your most reliable method of knowing.