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Is my Husky Puppy underweight?

18 14:38:15


Maxx- My Husky Puppy
I have a 11 1/2 weeks (he will turn 3 months old on 23 dec.) old Siberian husky puppy. he weighs 17.6 lbs (8 kgs) and stands 15 inches from paw to shoulder. he is a active playful puppy. i did the rib test....i can feel his ribs but cant see them. is his growth okay? is he underweight? i am little worried?

He is very cute and sounds like he is right on target for his age. Not all huskies are huge dogs.
Make sure he gets a really balanced diet such as Science Diet Puppy Growth and he will have all the nutrients he needs and grow strong and healthy.

Have fun with him!