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Feline FIV

18 15:58:37

I have a cat with FIV.  He lives in one room of my home. He exhibits no symtems except for mouth inflamaition and pain which I treat with a Depromethol (sorry about the spelling) shot once a month.   I also have several other cats living with me.  My Fiv cat would like to be out with the other cats.  My question is can he be out with the other cats without exposing them to his disease ?   
Thanks for your input.  

Hi Nick.  Your FIV cat could definately expose them to this disease.  FIV is not an airborne virus, but, it is passed through bodily fluids, by biting and scratching. It would be safest to, unfortunately keep him separated from the rest of the bunch, as this could endanger all of their health.  This is only my opinion.  Some people do keep their FIV cats with their non FIV cats and never have a problem.  Here is a website about FIV that may help you make a decision:
I hope this helps!