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Giving my lab Ibprofin

18 15:18:21

I have a 5 year old male yellow lab. He has had past problems with his hind /tail area which makes him uncomfortable to sit. when he has these episodes in the past out Vet gave him steroid shots. Until the am which I will be bringing him to the vet, I wanted to give him an ibprofin. His weight is 90 lbs. would this hurt him ?

Hi Joe - A better choice for your lab would be 325 mg of aspirin.   This is ok for short term... You do need to see the vet ASAP for something better and easier on his belly.

Try some supplements, Vitamin E is great at 200 IU  ( 1 per day) - very good for skin and the immune system.

BEST wishes,

Marie Peppers

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