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basset hound has fat overhanging his anklesswollen

18 15:17:22

my 8 yr old basset hound has sswollen fat where the pads usually form from hot concrete, well theyre swollen and big with puss with small holes that are pussing and bleeding a little. they have been this way for a while only on the back legs, ive let him in ht e house since ive found them because i think it s form hot concrete. where he sits by the door its very hot in alabama and hes very stubborn. so anyways i was wondering if this sounds like any common kind of disease of another sort or if this is just from rubbing the ground . the way he sits the fat on his back ankles where the spots are rub directly on the ground , theyve looked as if they gotten better then they get swollen again.

James, Yes, I know how Basset hounds can be!! You need to get this boy to the VET - He has an infection and needs antibiotics.
In the future, we can talk nutrition and supplements... Just get on over to the vet ASAP.

Also, there is Bag Balm salve that can be applied to the feet and skin every morning to protect from the heat.  

VET first, ok?

Marie Peppers