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new kitten and two cranky old cats

18 15:54:39

Greetings! My husband and I rescued a kitten earlier this week. Tiny thing - approx 7 weeks old, and only 1.25 pounds. We've brought it to our vet for a flea bath (VERY necessary), worm medicine, and first round shots. She is sleeping, eating, and playing well. We intend to keep her for a couple of weeks and then bring her to my mother-in-law's. (they live in Florida - this weekend was to be the hand-off, but thanks to Frances, our trip is postponed. Incidentally, Frances is what we named the kitten!)

I also have two older cats, about 7 years old, sisters from the same litter who do NOT like other animals and hiss and spit at this tiny thing, who just wants to play with them. The kitten has its own space and we can continue to keep them separated, but I'm wondering if you have any tips on how I can get my cats to be less, well, b*tchy. (just in case my mother-in-law changes her mind and we keep the kitty).


Congrats on the new baby! :)

You CAN help.  I want you to go out and purchase a product called FELIWAY. Its the same happy cat phermones your cat has on its head/feet/etc.. the product is used mostly in urination problelms. BUT its a godsend for stressed cats and aggression.  Find it in the plug in diffuser form.

I use this all the time in our boarding facility at my cat hosp. We don't live without the stuff :)