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foreign object lodged in bowel

18 15:50:26

My  4 month old american bulldog has swallowed fuse wire and this has made her vomit and have diahorrea non stop my vet has xrayed her & 11 pieces are lodged they won,t operate as she won,t survive. They told me to get her to eat bread, potatoes etc & hope it will pass normally,this doesnt seem to be working. is there anything else we can try?
please help as i don,t want to lose her.

Hi Diane.  I would definitely seek another veterinarian's opinion.  With a foreign body in her digestive tract, she will not be able to digest anything until the fuse wire is removed.  I have seen many ill animals operated on that were near death when put under anesthesia and they did absolutely wonderfully and lived long happy lives.  I would definitely say at this point, surgery is her only option of survival.  She will not be able to survive with the wire in her intestines.  I would definitely take her to another vet for a second opinion and try to get her into surgery ASAP.  I worked at an emergency veterinary hospital for many years, and I can tell you this...this is definitely an emergency and surgery needs to be performed to get this wire out and get her feeling better!
Feeding her things like mashed potatoes and breads were very good.  These are starchy, thick foods that are able to coat the foreign bodies in her intestines and help them pass through her intestinal tract.  This often works with bones and pieces of toys.  If after eating these foods, the foreign body isn't passed within 12-24 hours, it is crucial to surgically remove them.
Please let me know how she does,