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Beagle panting and appetite

18 15:03:03

My beagle is usually very lively but after his bath today we were called to pick him up early because he started vomiting excessively. His breathing was short and fast and calmed only a little once we got him back home. He is still able to move around but hasn't been eating much. This all started happening today. My main concern is his breathing. He just endured a seizure not too long ago (about 4 hours after he threw up). Any ideas? The nearest emergency clinic is more than two hours away.

I would be concerned too, but is he prone to seizures all the time, or is this a new thing? I have no idea how old this Beagle is.
My concern would be that he ingested some sort of chemical during his bath.

If he is still vomiting I would at least call a vet and get a consultation. I am not a vet and cannot consult on the phone with you.
I am sorry I didn't get this sooner- you could have been to the clinic and back by now.

It sounds to me that he needs to see a vet from what you are describing.
Please let me know what happened.