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18 14:05:43

I just rescued a little pit bull puppy and the lady  that had him said he was current on his shots besides the second parvo shot here at home now for today his third night on the second day I noticed the signs of parvo and on the third day got his shot in him. I am very worried about dehydration I still can't get him to keep anything I force down and I an worried I'll hurt him if I force him to drink to much Gatorade is what  I have been using Please help me  with any ideas but I can not afford the vet he was an unexpected blessing so I an not budgeted for him

Hi Valerie,
This is very confusing to me since it's one long sentence with no punctuation. That makes it very hard to figure out what you are trying to tell me. What do you mean that you got his shots in him? What "shot?" Did you give him two parvo vaccinations in three days? How old is this puppy?

Giving a sick puppy a vaccination for what he might (parvo etc) have is a waste of money, plus it won't do anything for him since he is already sick with the disease.  Right now he needs supportive care, and that doesn't mean pouring gaterade down his throat. If he is vomiting over and over and has diarrhea as well he WILL dehydrate very fast and go downhill very quickly.

If he had one parvo vaccination he MIGHT survive this but pit bulls are notoriously susceptible to parvo and die easily from it.

This puppy really needs IV fluids before he gets to the point of no return. Giving him oral fluids is just overtaxing him since he is bringing it right back up. Sometimes the vet will give you fluids to give at home sub-q under his skin to keep him hydrated.
You need to take him to the vets and ask if they will do that for you. He will also need some injections to help stop his constant vomiting.

There just isn't anything you can do at home that's going to work at this point since he cannot keep anything in himself.

I know that vets cost money but pets cost money- nothing is free sadly. We take the responsibility of caring for these precious animals once we take them in - and that means paying for medical care as well.

Once he is well you should get pet insurance for him and that will help you tremendously.

I hope that he makes it Valerie. Get him to the vets tomorrow and get some help for him.
Please let me know how he does.