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now maybe you might be able...

18 16:08:38

now maybe you might be able to help me 2 weeks ago i went to the shelter
and found the perfect cat great with kids and very loveing the tag asls
said great with other cats but today i brought homa a 9 week old kittne
and he only "hisses" at her eh is 9 months old should i just put them both
down and see what happens he dosnt seam to want to bite or scratch her but
i'm a little worried thank you  

Hi there!

its a good idea to introduce new cats slowly to eachother.

what you can do is dab a drop of vanilla extract on their noses-this will make them smell the same! very important in cats.

you can also keep one cat in a bedroom and allow the other one to get used to a cat from under the door for now. Supervize play and supervize them if you put them on the main floor together.

You can put both cats out to see what will happen. They should get along eventually.

Hope this helps some!