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Boxer has recently started...

18 16:06:00

Boxer has recently started to shake his head and run around in the
middle if the night or after lying down for a while. I also noticed that
he has a runny nose and he is always licking it. I have had his ears
checked and found nothing. Could this be an allergy and what can I give
him to find out? He is 3 years old and 90 LB. Thank you for your help.  

May be related to a food allergy and/or inhaled allergy.  Try switching his food to a Fish and Potato variety as made by Wellness or Verus or a Venison & Rice diet by Nature's Recipe.  Do a food trial for 6 weeks (feed only one of these foods) and see if you notice an improvement.

Make sure to avoid air and carpet fresheners and vacuum frequently.  Consider a hepa filter.  Wipe his feet and body off with a damp paper towel when coming in from outside.

I wouldn't try any medication at this point unless you consult your veterinarian.