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sore on face

18 16:06:30

Dr. Gotthelf,
Our cat has developed a small sore just above her left eye.  It is now about the size of a pencil eraser.  She just won't let it heal and she keeps scratching at it.  We think we need a trip to the vet.  She is an inside cat, never is in contact with other cats or dogs.  If we try to clean it or put on ointment she only scratches at it more.  Could it be an allergy?  I clipped her rear claws today hoping she won't be able to do scratch at the sore.  Do you have any treatment suggestions that might help till we can get her to the vet.  She has an appointment 6 days from today.  Thank You.

If she is scratching at it, then it is itchy. You can try come cortisone creme until you can get to the vet. You can also make an Elizabethan collar out of cardboard so that she can't get her claws at the site. I doubt that it is an allergy because it is in a small area only.