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belly rash

18 15:55:55

Dear Dr. Gotthelf,
I have a 4 yr. old female lab/shep mix that has recurring belly rash for a few years. She has been treated with Vetalog and it works for about 8 wks. Rash is back. Awaiting call from her vet to discuss next course of action but would greatly appreciate advice/opinion from a skin specialist such as yourself. Do I continue steroid injections forever? Side effects? Oral antihistamine has not worked in the past for the itching and she scratched and chewed her way to infection requiring antibiotics. Just a note:
We live in FL. she is inside dog but does roll and play in yard/grass/dirt.Do you think this is allergy requiring specific allergen testing? Your response greatly appreciated. Thank you, Karen Holland

In Florida, where there is a year round allergy problem, allergy testing and hyposensitization may really benefit this dog.  If it is limited to the belly, then it could also be a contact allergy to something that she is laying on.  It could be the cut grass outside or something like Woolite in a throw rug inside.

I would also recommend that your vet does a skin scraping to check for mange mites.

There is a new cortisone spray called GENESIS that might help.  YOu would give a light spray on the belly every day or every other day to control the itching and redness.  Ask your vet about this.