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15 yr old sick cat

18 15:51:04

My 15 yr old white siamese cat seems to have had
a stroke or is in dementia these last 2 weeks. I
cant get her to eat - maybe one bite a day if that.  Drinks low on her water which use to be a
big bowlful all the time. She acts like arthritis
set in and dementia traits at once. Dissoriented,
knows me sometimes, stares in blanks alot, hides
in "safe" places.....cant jump bed anymore. Can
hear but maybe not compute it.  Slow mover.......
Weight loss is the main thing noticeably bad now.
Can it be a stroke overnight or would dementia be
this hard on her in a couple weeks time?

Thank you so much - she is my "child"
Linda Cloutier

Hi Linda!  I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your question!  I have AOL and unfortunately have not been able to come online for 4 days, due to a software problem getting fixed.
As for your kitty.  A vet visit is definitely a must.  It is very rare for a cat to have a stroke.  It is very likely for a cat to develop kidney or liver problems and experience the same symptoms your cat is experiencing.  I have had siamese cats all my life (they are, in my opinion, the most loyal and intelligent cats) and I have lost every single one to renal failure (kidney failure). Diabetis is also a possibility.  Low blood sugar level would cause her to react in a "spacey" sort of way.  
The most beneficial thing for you to do, would be to take her to your veterinarian for some bloodwork.  The blood profile will inform you and your veterinarian of her organ values, glucose levels, platelet count, ect.  Blood work could definitely pin point what is ailing her.
I hope this helps...I wish so much I could be of more help...
If you have time, please keep me posted!