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Boston Terrier w/scratched cornea

18 15:57:42

We're very puzzled by what seems to be the sudden propensity for our seven year old Boston Terrier to get a scratched cornea.  It has happened three times in the past year and a half, twice in one eye, once in the other.  Our vet says it occurs either during play or if he's sticking his head into bushes.  He likes to do both but we've never been aware of it when it actually happens and we're always present when he's outdoors and with other dogs.  And given that, for the previous five and a half years, he played as often and as hard as he could with other dogs and was always sticking his nose into bushes, it seems odd that this has suddenly become a regular occurrence.  I've asked other Boston owners and posted on a Boston Terrier website board, no one else has yet said they've experienced it.  I've always had confidence in our vets - they seem to be a very well regarded practice in L.A., but I have to wonder if there might be something else here that we could be doing,looking out for, or aware of. I did buy him a pair of protective goggles called "Doggles," but he hates them. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Has he been screened for glaucoma?  It would be a good idea as this breed is prone to it.  As dogs get older their immune systems do become weaker and are more prone to injury.  Is there any way to fence off the bushes?  You could start giving him EYEBRIGHT which is an herb that is good for the eyes--try 1/4 of human adult can also get the tea version and brew that and place a few drops of the cool tea in his eyes.  I wouldn't think most dogs would keep on the eye-goggles even though the dog that advertises them likes them a whole lot.  When he comes inside from playing, you can also flush his eyes with saline to rinse any debris out that he may have gotten in his eyes as it is likely like dirt too may be the culprit.

Take care,
Dr. Fry