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post surgical lump

18 15:58:39

My dog was neutered (cryptorchid surgery) 12 days ago. About three days after the surgery, I noticed a large hard lump next to the abdominal incision. The incision next to his scrotum looked fine. I asked the vet to look at it the next day, and she recommended cold compresses. 10 days later this lump has not receded, and actually appears somewhat larger. It is about the size of a golf ball halved, and is very hard, and is not directly under the incision, but slightly to the side of it. If this is a reaction to the sutures, it would seem that both incision sites would have been involved. Can you help me understand what has happened? There is no oozing, but there is still some redness around the abdominal site.

It is most likley swelling from surgery and strain on the incision from activity.  Usually when abdominal surgery is needed in males, there is more swelling due to the fact that you have to work around the penis and the area is sensitive in males.  If it was a suture reaction, there would be some discharge or he would spike a fever and I would suspect both sites to be involved.   If he is not painful and the area is not very red, I would just monitor it for the next few weeks.  You can start giving him Vitamin C 10 mg per pound twice daily as well as Vitamin E 1-2 units per pound to help encourage healing.