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dogs legs giving out?

18 15:11:35

Hello Dr. Sherrell,
Thank you for your time.  I have a medium size mix breed dog (about 45 lbs)
who is will be 15 (human years) this fall.  He is very healthy, eats well and is
moderately active (mostly an indoor dog with frequent trips to the yard or a
short walk- he does sleep much of the time inside).  However over the past
few months his back legs seem to be giving out on him at times.  He will be
walking in the yard and they appear to automatically push back from his
body.  It doesn't look like he can control it.  Recently it has happened more
than once per day and he has to sit down because he is unable to walk.  It is
only for a minute or less and he doesn't seem bothered by it.  Sometimes he
comes out of it quickly and sort of jumps or hops with both rear legs together
and then uses the front legs normally.  I wondered if he is getting arthritis or
if there is another aliment that older dogs may get with their back legs.  I'm
open to any ideas or remedies that may help him.  Thanks again!

Kelly -

There is the strong possibility that your dog may have arthritis of the hip joints.  

Have him evaluated by a veterinarian. The doctor will give you options for treatment - such as oral pain meds, injections to increase joint cartilage, etc.

The doctor will most likely recommend radiographs to evaluate the joints.  If there is no evidence of arthritis observed, then nerve damage may be the culprit.  Again, your vet can offer with treatment options.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM