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my cat is a licker

18 15:05:07

I have 2 cats one is 13 and the other is just over a year old. My younger cat has always had an extremly rough tongue and he use to almost suckle on our necks etc when he was lying on you now he has moved on to licking the furniture ( office chairs and couches mostly ) He was not weaned early because at the time we had the mother here as well and he was weened naturally by the mother at 8weeks old at what time we started Bug a Boo (aka Buggy) on the kitten food the vet recommended. I am just wondering what is his fixation with the licking constantly. I can try to get him to stop but as soon as I turn my back and I'm not paying attention anymore he starts right back up. He is played with all the time. he gets his rest whenever he wants.. not sure.. any clues ?

Some cats are just lickers. If he is licking furniture 24/7 however then I would suggest he has some nutrition or emotional issues. A good exam and work up at the vets is in order first, with some possible testing for leukemia etc. Pica is a disorder where animals will lick the walls and floors etc. I am not sure office furniture counts.

If all that is fine then you should put him on a more balanced diet for adult cats. He should NOT be on one for kittens at this age. I am guessing his neutered now also. If not, he needs to be right away.

If everything checks out at the vets then let me know what he is eating and we can discuss diets.