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welt like sores on her belly

18 15:39:54

Yogi, is a 9 year old female  tortoise cat who is fixed. She
has what started out to be small red dots on her tummy,
that have developed into several welt like open sores. There
has been no change in her diet, bedding, litter, or
environment. She is an indoor cat. I have inspected our
other cat Cosmo, who we have had the same ammt of time
as Yogi, and there is nothing at all wrong with him.
She licks at the sores but doesnt scratch or seem annoyed.
Her appitite is good, her bathroom habbits have not
changed, and she plays, but these sores look horrible.
The reason I hesitate taking her to the vet is because it is
so traumatic for her to go.
What could these things be?

Many cats with allergies will have open sores on the belly, neck, and legs.  IF she is having allergic skin disease, you ned to get her a shot to stop this.  YOur vet can give you an tranquilizer pill to give her before the visit to relieve the anxiety.