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rapid breathing

18 14:08:45

We brought home a dog from the shelter to foster for the weekend, it is a shepherd/collie mix. It has had rapid breathing since it's been here (about 10 hours). He's eaten, drinking water, but has kept the same pace of breathing like this. We checked his gums, and they are purple, pressed on them, but didn't really see much white. His tongue is dark pink, and his mouth is very watery, not slobber, but liquid. I was worried when I watched him sleeping, his tummy going up and down so fast. Could this be serious, or just nerves?

Hi Robin,

I have heard of dogs that were really stressed out acting this way but a dark pink tongue and purple gums would worry me that this dog is having some issues getting enough oxygen into his bloodstream.

If he isn't breathing more normally by morning (I'm in California and it's 11 pm)I'd get him to a vets. His gums should be pink, and when you press on them, should blanch white for a count to 2 or 3 then turn pink again. Like eraser pink.

His tongue should be the same color. I'm not a vet, so I really can't tell you if what's going on is serious or just stress.

If he is eating, drinking and generally happy, then it could be just stress and nerves. They usually get diarrhea from this too.

Is this dog heartworm free? Has he been tested and on medication monthly? That would be my other concern, along with heart issues.

So if you plan on keeping him and he isn't better in 24 hours, get him to a vet asap.