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rawhide question

18 14:05:58

I just adopted a rescue dog this week. He's about 10 mos old, neutered, bulldog mix. He's a chewing machine! I want to keep him occupied while I'm at work or away from home to keep him from chewing things like sofas and laptop chargers.

It's been awhile since I've owned a dog. Other than choking hazards are rawhide chews bad? I've read conflicting reports.

Rawhides are killers. There is no other way around it. I have known too many dogs that have died from them.

You should get him crate-trained, and get him some chew toys like Kongs, nylabones, etc.

Crate-training will teach him to be alone and yet under control. In the meantime you can pick up the laptop chargers, etc and put them at a safe height.

Sofas need to be sprayed with OFF and you need to keep a spray bottle full of water so you can squirt him when he starts to do it. That will be after you get home and let him out of the crate.

There are dozens of websites dedicated to crate-training, but you can get good information from the HSUS (Humane Society) website.

Have fun thing with him!