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My New Momma Cat

18 16:05:33

How soon after a cat gives birth to kittens, will she come in heat again?  

It depends on the cat.  Most cats will not go into heat for about 8 weeks after delivering.  Cats can go into heat as often and for as long as they want.  If she is having bloody discharge, and is acting lethargic you may want to have your veterinarian check her.  Any unspayed female cat or dog can develop a deadly (if not treated) and serious uteran infection called a Pyometra.  Often times after giving birth, this infection will develop.  If you see anything out of the ordinary with your cat, the best thing would be to have your veterinarian check her to be sure that if there is an infection present, it can be treated asap.  Congrats on your new kittens!  Give them all and momma cat kisses for me!
I hope this was helpful!