Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > WEENIE DOGS EYE


18 15:18:49

I have a 3yr old weenie dog...He was fine until this past 4th of July holiday...My niece's were popping firecrackers, and he was close to them at the time...
The next day, my dog was whinny, and would keep his right eye closed...I looked at it and the white part is red, and I just now noticed a small, reddish flesh like lump on his pupil...NOT at the corners...the eye is now open, but is still very red on the white part..I clean it with water, then neosporin and/or vaseline...
what do you suggest?
Thanks, Gwen

Hello:  I am sure there is a foreign particle in the eye.  You must get to a Vet for this little one.  Don't clean it with anything because that could scratch the eye ball even more.  The vet can remove the particle with some dye and a little tool.  Please call a VET ASAP

Good Luck

Marie Peppers