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My pugs ear problems

18 15:53:48

I am the owner of two pugs who have a constant "yeast infection" in their ears.  They scratch at their ears constantly, almost to the point where they are bleeding.  When I clean their ears, I always find a large amount of dark brown/black discharge with a foul odor.  I have tried numerous ear ointments and drops, including "miconosol lotion" (most recent), these medications provide some relief, but I have found no total "cure".  I have also been told by one vet. that this may also be caused by allergies.  I am not sure of what to do now, or what is truly wrong.  Do you suggest having a culture done on my dogs' ears, or have any suggestions about what I can do to relieve my dogs from this constant itching?  Also, their skin is very itchy and I was wondering if you know of any treatments for this also.  Thank you so much,

Yeasts almost always mean an allergy on the skin.  I would recommend asking your vet to treat for allergies and use an acetic acid/ boric acid mixture (Malacetic Otic, DermaPet). I use it as an ear flush once daily for 10 days and then as a preventative once weekly.

Allergy treatment involves using steroids, omega3 fatty acids, and frequent bathing.