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Over eating dogs

18 14:50:14

Hi, I have two 6 year old Labs who have pretty bad over eating problems, they got in their food container yesterday morning while I was sleeping. I tried to induce vomiting but neither of them would. This morning they are experiencing diarrhea and seem to be dehydrated. I know it's a good sign that they are able to have bowel movements but I wondered if I should still be worried? Thanks.

If its been 24 hours and they are okay except for the diarrhea, then they should be okay. Keep giving them water but no food until tomorrow. They can wait another 24 hours for food. If they get listless, vomit or the diarrhea doesn't stop in a day then call the vet.

And really watch them so that their stomachs don't twist. Limit the water by giving them ice cubes in their bowl, not water.