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English Springer Spaniels

18 15:11:17

I have a 13-1/2 year old English springer spaniel who is constantly wining.  I am not sure if he is in pain as he does have arthritis or if this is something specific to the breed.  Do you have any thoughts on this?

I have used rimmidel for his arthritis but it gave him seizure like behaviors and loss of balance.  Is there any meds. you can recommend?

Noreen -

Have your veterinarian examine your dog to help determine why he is whining. A 13 year old dog is a senior citizen that requires the same attention that a human senior citizen.  

Ask your veterinarian for alternatives to Rimadyl for arthritis relief.  Injections are available to help rebuild cartilage if he cannot take the oral meds.  If Rimadyl gives her the symptoms you mentioned, then I suggest that you have blood tests performed to evaluate the liver and kidney function.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM