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German Shephard Puppy

18 15:30:21

Good Morning-brought home a 2 month old puppy Saturday evening. He is the smallest of the 3 brothers available. He has diarrea and although he ate a bit Sat night, he had some scrambled egg and liver on Sun as he would not eat the puupy food we purchased-he would not eat scrambled egg this morning. I am worried. Thank you for your time.

An 8 week old puppy with lethargy and diarrhea should be evaluated by a vet ASAP. Possible causes of the signs you describe could be intestinal parasites(round worms, hook worms, coccidia, giardia) or a viral infection such as Parvo virus. Intestinal viruses like Parvo can be very serious and life threatening in a young puppy. Please call a vet and have the puppy checked as soon as possible.